About Course
Instructor – Pastor Holland Davis
PH: (949) 533-4656
COURSE: Calvary Chapel Distinctives – TH180 (3 Credits)
Course Description
This course combines the Calvary Chapel Distinctives with corresponding theological topics. Students will learn what makes Calvary Chapel ministries unique and teach them the Calvary Chapel style of ministry. The theological topics are designed to enrich the student and provide a basic understanding of Biblical and Systematic Theology.
Course Objectives
- Grow more in love with Jesus Christ, establishing a deeper knowledge of Him and intimacy with Him through the study of His Word. The primary goal of this class and the CCSoD as a whole is to grow in your relationship with Jesus.
- Gain a working understanding of Calvary Chapel Ministries
- Learn Biblical and Systematic Theology as it relates to Calvary Chapel ministries
- Develop a personal philosophy of ministry.
Course Schedule
Class 1: The Call To Ministry | Theology of Salvation | Mike Urciuoli
Class 2: God’s Model For The Church | Theology Of Acts | Bill Holdridge
Class 3: Church Government | Theology of the Church | Roger Charles
Class 4: Empowered By The Spirit | Theology of The Holy Spirit | Brian Hill
Class 5: Building The Church God’s Way | Charisma Versus Charismania | Brad Lambert | Holland Davis
Class 6: Grace Upon Grace | The Theology of Paul | Bryan Newberry
Class 7: The Priority Of The Word | Theology of The Bible | Erik Tribble
Class 8: The Centrality of Jesus Christ | Theology of Jesus | Bertin Almazan
Class 9: The Rapture of The Church | Last Days Theology | Patrick Ferrell
Class 10: Having Begun In The Spirit | Prayer and Intercession | Brandon McCullough
Class 11: The Supremacy Of Love | Theology of John | Steve Pascoe
Class 12: Striking The Balance | Biblical Interpretation | Greg Boyd
Class 13: May 2 – Ventures Of Faith | Missiology: Evangelism, Missions and Church Planting | Tom Stowe
Class 14: May 9 – Singing A New Song | Doxology | Holland Davis
Class 15: May 16 – Spiritual Warfare | Theology of Angels and Demons | Scott Parker
Course Requirements
- Attendance/Participation:
- One aspect of grading will be based upon your attendance and participation during classes. If you always come and share a little, you’ll do great! Everyone is allowed one unexcused absence.
- Homework:
- Each week you will be required to read a portion of Calvary Chapel Distinctives by Chuck Smith and The Moody Handbook of Theology by Paul Enns.
- Homework:
- Notes are to be taken on each class and turned in the following class for credit
- *All homework assignments are due on the designated date; there will be NO late homework accepted.
- Midterm:
- Instead of a Midterm students will turn in a Book Report on Jesus Revolution by Greg Laurie due week 7
- Final:
- We will have a Final Exam at week 15.
- Students will be required to identify and describe 10 Calvary Chapel Distinctives
Your grade in this class will be based upon the criteria above. The percentages are as follows:
Mid-Term Book Report
Grading Scale
97-100 A+
93-96 A
90-92 A-
87-89 B+
83-86 B
80-82 B-
77-79 C+
73-76 C
70-72 C-
67-69 D+
63-66 D
60-62 D-
Below 60 F
Anyone who plagiarizes (i.e., presents as one’s own work something which has been taken from someone else) may receive an automatic failure on that piece of work and a warning. (Plagiarism can involve the taking of an idea or structure of a written work as well as the actual copying of what is written.) If you use someone else’s material, you must give them proper credit for using their work. For a first-time offense, the student will receive a 0% grade for the paper with a 1-week grace period to rectify and correct the paper. If such corrections are made on time and to the standards of the course outline the result will be a grade maximum grade of 60%. A second offense of plagiarism will result in failure (“F”) for the final course grade.