CCSOD Bible Teachers

A Note from Pastor Holland...
Ministry is about faithfulness. It’s about showing up prepared to be used by God. The Calvary Chapel School Of Discipleship is a microcosm of what it will be like in real ministry. The kind of minister you will become will show in the way you approach your classes and the assigned tasks. If you do the minimum, you’ll be the kind of minister who gives the sheep the least amount can give. If you get all you can out of the experience, you’ll be the kind of minister who will lay down their life for the sheep. The person who is a wise steward of their time and assignments, will be a wise steward of God’s resources God. My encouragement is to get as much as you can get from the instructors and from the LORD. Don’t see what you can get away with, seek what you can get out of it. Be faithful with the assignments. Prioritize your time and watch God work in your life to prepare you for a lifetime of serving Jesus. Blessings… P.HD