NT301 New Testament Survey | Matthew – Acts
About Course
Instructor: Pastor Chuck Smith
COURSE: NT301 New Testament Survey | Matthew – Acts
Course Description
As one of the four Bible Survey courses that guide students though every passage of the Bible, this guided online course combines expositional teaching, and Bible summary and application assignments to help students gain a thorough knowledge of the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27). By completing this course, students will be able to (1) summarize every book and chapter of Scripture from Genesis through Job, identifying principal points and teachings; (2) show the ability to apply the Bible to contemporary Christian life and practice, especially in prayer; (3) distinguish between proper and improper approaches to studying Scripture; (4) define terms and concepts that are important for biblical studies.
Course Objectives
- Grow more in love with Jesus Christ, establishing a deeper knowledge of Him and intimacy with Him through the study of His Word. The primary goal of this class and the CCSoD as a whole is to grow in your relationship with Jesus.
- To gain a working knowledge of the Old and New Testament from Genesis to Revelation.
- To learn a model of verse by verse expositional teaching through God’s Word.
Course Requirements
- Attendance/Participation:
- Listen to a total of 69 studies covering Matthew through Acts
- Homework:
- Each week you will be required to submit study notes or upload answers to the questions on homework sheets provided (optional).
- Midterm:
- Book Outlines Matthew – Mark (2 Outlines)
- Final:
- Book Outlines Luke – Acts (3 Outlines)
Your grade in this class will be based upon the criteria above. The percentages are as follows:
Grading Scale
97-100 A+
93-96 A
90-92 A-
87-89 B+
83-86 B
80-82 B-
77-79 C+
73-76 C
70-72 C-
67-69 D+
63-66 D
60-62 D-
Below 60 F
Anyone who plagiarizes (i.e., presents as one’s own work something which has been taken from someone else) may receive an automatic failure on that piece of work and a warning. (Plagiarism can involve the taking of an idea or structure of a written work as well as the actual copying of what is written.) If you use someone else’s material, you must give them proper credit for using their work. For a first-time offense, the student will receive a 0% grade for the paper with a 1-week grace period to rectify and correct the paper. If such corrections are made on time and to the standards of the course outline the result will be a grade maximum grade of 60%. A second offense of plagiarism will result in failure (“F”) for the final course grade.
Course Content